Hello and thank you for listening or reading.
This is a collaborative story written by storytellers who have visited Bayfield Hall Sculpture Trail in Norfolk.
On the trail, they come across a desk under an old beech tree, on top of the desk is a leather bound book. Inviting sounds and graffiti prompts encourage them to write what happens next.
This is the story they wrote. You can read it here or listen on Spotify
Chapter 1
It was autumn but the day was warm I left home in my small town and travelled by train towards the coast I had all I needed so I thought for an overnight stay but that was 10 years ago. What happened on that train changed the course of my life forever. It all began when a lady in a top hat asked for the time…
I suddenly saw the woman reach into her pocket and pull out something wrapped in a brightly coloured handkerchief
It was an old-fashioned timepiece which also told the date and the year. So here I was looking at a date in the late 1800s. What am I going to do?
Beautiful clothes nearby I have to try these on and go into the amazing house. The butler shows me in!
The whistle blue and the train drew into the station, where a horse and cart were waiting…
Together a beautiful beach tree vibrating gently hums in space
But I wonder have I imagined the butler, the clothes and the humming beech tree?
Then I realised I was dressed in Edwardian fashion, and the tree was in the garden of a magnificent mansion.
I must have dozed off again because when I awoke the tree was gone and in front of me were three sisters.
Or did my new spectacles deceive the eye? The leaves in the trees rustled and woke me from my slumber and the woman in the floaty white dress was still watching me.
The beach leaves, and the bees hummed quietly in the elephant foot forest as I listened lots of small birds sang their songs the question was is she friend or foe?
Only time will tell.
The magical beach tree above protecting the table underneath. It is creating a wonderful sound that interrupts the sounds around us. The sun shines the birds sing
And then I suddenly woke with a jolt, the train had stopped, the woman with the top hat, with the interesting timepiece had vanished in the crowds at the platform. I looked for a sign giving the name of the station, where were we?
Melton constable? But there is no longer a station at Melton constable? We must have travelled through some sort of vortex!
I felt my feet tingle, I looked down instead of leather Birkenstock sandals, I saw neat little cloven hooves. Where are they galloping to what are they seeing that I can't see, what dream are they chasing? The wind rush rushes between and above their mane. Freedom, joy and the movement to eternity.
And who is it that beckons me to follow down the dappled path towards the deep pool filled with a pale green liquid? As the pool clears, I see the words appear…drink me.
I stood contemplating this invitation. Given the changes that had already taken place, was I being challenged to step back in time? Would I dare drink? I'd lost all my natural caution and was now overtaken by a sense of carefree adventure. What harm could it do?
My eyes blackened over, and I felt myself floating in the air. Suddenly a being joined me and a furry hand led me skywards…where are we going? I'd always wanted an adventure but this? Was I still in the world and life as I knew it or had I arrived at a different dimension? Would I recognise it, or would I be a completely different being in a setting I didn't know or even understand…
Suddenly my eyes and mind cleared, I was standing in a magnificent park surrounded by trees and flowers. But it wasn't Bayfield as I knew it but a different sculptured world where at night, as darkness surrounded me, the black bear began his adventures…
I sat down under the tree as the sky blackened. The leaves of the trees bustled and moved back and forth. For a moment it felt like the tree was moving, or was it the ground? Had it got even darker? I felt the fear rise in me. Was it heavy breathing I heard? Getting heavier? I turned my head and let out a gasp…
Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw, and nothing will ever be able to take the vision from my mind. The most accessible place to start to describe what I saw is to feel into the space it occupied: a vastness, a vista of such detail and clarity I had never seen before.
It must be black shuck!! An omen of death emerging from the trees…I quickly retrieved my Sarah Canall talisman from my pocket. Will the talisman work for me?
I look over in the trees at the black shuck! All of a sudden, a flash of red appears. It's so fast it strikes at Black Shuck. Soon enough it comes back out. It's a demon with a circle of talisman surrounding it. The demon rolls its eyes and stares at me. I gulp. The demon speaks up
“I just saved your life human; you should be grateful.” I thank the demon as we begin to talk.
“What brings you here?” I ask with caution “I'm a traveller thru time and space.”
The demon says “the toilet, I'm in desperate need for the toilet, I can't wait much longer but I'm scared of what I will find if I go in the forest…
Where am I? I'm lost. what do I do?”
“Find someone who can help you! Find someone who is kind and not selfish. Arty farty but lovely in a terrible world. Will we ever escape from this spooky wood? Is anyone out there?”
“Quince. I live in the wood…
We are coming to find you and take you with us.”
“You will never get me!”
And as if by magic I am taken to another world! How did that happen? I go through the stars and pass the moon looking down on earth and my frightened? I am filled with a sense of peace and wonder. The dark, midnight sky is twinkling with thousands of sparkling stars. All the world's problems seem so far away.
I wonder if the orange monster exists in this world. He has pursued me around the universe destroying as he goes, I must get away!
I look up, on the horizon just next to a pale-yellow striped boulder is something I can only guess at. Its silhouette is indistinct, it's form unclear it's voice in distinct over the howl of the wind.
“Beware of the giant spiders they are closer than you think! Where arachnophobes! Danger will follow!”
And as the voice faded on the last of the breeze, the air chilled and the crisp grass bent as the sinking of a thousand tiny feet around me, the earth moved, and the spiders erupted!
“Fear not! For we are merely Octo-penised Kiwis”.
“We may not harm, we can grant wishes to those who venture further”
And then as we sat down, a mysterious voice began to speak. Then another Arabic, French and Spanish overlapping and moaning in waves. This landscape is not typically Norfolk: rolling hills stop at the river and three rebar ponies stand at the edge of the field…
It starts to rain the drips run down her fringe and on her nose, her tears flow with the pouring rain but as they fall, they change colour, from crystal clear to jade green, to sapphire blue and then to the most delicate of pinks. They form a pool in her lap and in it, she sees reflected a face.
It is not her own, although not so very different. She peers closer, wondering what she's seeing; it is her as a young child, fresh from her forest school days and ready to embark on a new life at “proper school”. How did she feel leaving mother nature behind?
Suddenly, a noise from behind, she turned afraid, only to see what could never be seen but then realised all the spiders from the shed were advancing en masse she ran quickly back the way she came.
“I am grateful”
Thought one of the spiders I didn't want to scare the lady. But it was okay because the ladies never scared. Not by spiders at any rate. Horses on the other hand…
Take you by the hand and show you yourself. ears flicking, mane shivering, tail flowing, running wild together through all dimensions, no need to fear anything in nature if you are present and let things be. Floating as she was in space with all those earthly fears passing through, it was welcome when the wind horse found her, enveloped her in a horsey hug and together they rode the galactic bypass back to the new earth, there all was as it should be.
Chapter 2:
All beings living in harmony with nature, each other, peace and joy.
She embraced Al-Beuraq with gratitude and stepped onto the floating path before her to see where it would take her to an all-knowing place of intense imagination, vivid colours, glorious sounds and sense and the ability to walk on air, floating floating softer as a cloud wavering, sensuous warm breeze, drifting and colours and the sense of the meadows, flowers, perfume delicious magical and soothing, calm and dreamlike, so peaceful, restful at last…floating gently down to earth, butterflies caressing her skin, her face, glorious sun setting…being embraced, warmth snug hug and mmmm.
But then there was the eerie sound of chanting in the air…closer and closer she drifted towards its magnetic, rhythmic, pulsing energy.
Nam myopho range kyo!
What joy, pure bless, so happy, swirling and dancing, hair flying lifting upwards, Pegasus and fairies…soon (no! )
they would be coming in the dark the pottery bodied, long-legged spiders many of them…oh no…
“Oh yes! We must kill must find new flesh, new hope. Our destiny is ours to create.”
Well, that's the last time I fly easyJet. He exclaimed, and where on earth did these cobwebs come from? Collecting his luggage from the overhead locker he strode purposefully to the aircraft door. However, as the stewardess pushed on the door no steps awaited the passenger. The air was warm, but a mist had enveloped the aircraft. Have they actually landed? This wasn't Magaluf where were they? Somewhere no one had ever been before! How did this happen, he had seen the sea and island then the mist had taken over. There were no buildings, no people just to dried up patch of earth where they had landed. He jumped down to the ground hoping he would not break a leg! the stewardess shouted, “hope you will fly with us again" and the plane started to taxi away. Stop! We shouted but it didn't.
Suddenly we noticed that the tide before us was coming towards us at the speed of a racing horse. They had deposited us on a shingle beach in front of towering cliffs. Could we find a path through the cliffs before we were washed away by this tide? Racing along the foot of the cliff we saw a large cave, would we be safe inside?
Boulder dash!
I wish I was over there in the beautiful hillside.
Lost in my thoughts with peace and tranquillity. Time stands still.
Then suddenly the horse is turned to me, and spoke
A shield bug ambles across the table while its mate languishes on its back, legs crossed in submission, a gust of wind carries it away towards the trees but just when we thought we were alone out crept…
a loved up angel who would not stop kissing but that was not the worst of it…suddenly a large bird of prey swooped across the opening of the trees. The small bird scattered and managed to escape this time. Like an escaped prisoner I had to climb through the fence of wire which was difficult as I have Parkinson's. I hope nobody saw me. I felt guilty for some reason.
I slowly ate the apple I had found lying on the ground nearby and wondered what all the contradictory threads were leading towards the sun shone down and I heard guns in the distance perhaps the peace and harmony I'd felt was truly fleeting the apple finished I stood and left the world to its fate.
Pages 1 to 7 abridged
it was autumn
it was an old-fashioned time piece
The whistle blew
But I wonder. Then I realised. I must have dozed off. Or did my new spectacles deceive. The beach leaves. The magical beach. And then I suddenly woke. Where were we? I felt my feet tingle. Where are they galloping to? And who is it. I stood contemplating. My eyes blackened over. Suddenly my eyes and mind closed. I sat down. Nothing could have prepared me. It must be black shock. Do they work for me? What brings you here? I can't wait. Where am I? Arty 40. Quince. We are coming to find you. As if by magic…
And as if by magic and as if by magic as if by magic and as by magic if.
I heard singing in the distance and out of the wood came an old woman. her hair was long and white and blew around her in the wind. She smiled at me and said “the old pagan rituals are alive and well here. return to this spot on a peaceful night, look into the valley to see the fires burning from any other eminence.”
Our surrounding appeared as if an untilled slice of nature, and the sounds of gusts rolled above us like an outgoing tide, pushing the valley further and further away.
Then lily appeared, happy to sit down after struggling up the hill with her friends. “Does life get any better than this” she asks.
It does not interned Serena. Her mind working overtime to process the stimulation of so many amazing objects and installations. Will I ever be the same again or have I been permanently changed? What happens next?
Andrea appeared and transformed. she saved the memory of her friends and share their experiences next, what will happen?
Hello, I'm Nancy hello I'm Mary I hope you like it enjoy.
The dog barked and roused me from my daydream, and I realised I needed to get going if I was going to get to my rendezvous in time…
But the feeling wouldn't leave me, and I yearned to go back. the girl looked across the open expense, she saw the horses looking there too as if waiting for something or someone. Sophia imagined a time when she was an African warrior looking out over the open planes the sunshine and was warm on her face. Drums played in the background; she felt inspired to dance. She felt a time when she lived on the planes and was free. The whispering voices spoke in many languages what were they saying? It sounded welcoming the voice is inviting you to continue.
Warm sunlight bathed my face, but my eyes are weighed down by sorrow. the sun does little to warm the air as frozen droplets of grey leak from my eyes as the sun goes down, tears drop from the sky, fading away with a distant cry.
“My name is sky I have a brother he is mean.”
It's like a symbol to something I don't know what it is. I'm just adventuring in the forest. I've just adventured a bit more and this is what I found and another one!
Hi, my name is Seb and my sister is an ultra brat.
She's had a big sigh the seat was not quite big enough for her ample bottom, but the view was majestic. Oh, how she wished her writing desk could be here. She opened the tiny door in the tree behind her and cautiously entered, “wake up baby” was what she heard as the three horses began to walk slowly down the hill towards the lake carrying the spirits of ancestors on their backs. Following the horses she came upon the river whose banks were overflowing. The midday sun suddenly erupted over the beautiful landscape shimmering over the quiet waters, she felt compelled to wade into the water.
With the sun shining down on the marvellously warm day after all the rain, she pondered what a golden moment. time to give thanks to a greater being.
there is only this present moment. here. Right now. Close your eyes. Listen to this moment.
Chapter 3
The wind quickened and suddenly through the clouds of bright beam shone like an aircraft seeker it was gone as quickly as it came, and that moment passed as all moments must. Onto the next one what happens then?
The dog howled at the moon. The leaves quivered in the gentle breeze as the sun shone. The horses waited patiently for the invisible apple giver walking up the hill, past the oak.
Past the ha-ha. Then suddenly confronted with the most amazing sight!
The sun is shining the rain disappeared for a day or two, the horses seem content in the field, and all is well.
As the sun shone, we were surrounded by dragonflies. Their magical powers helped me and my bestie see the fairies playing under the tree. All appeared well. But then a dragon breathing fire came out from beneath the tree and slayed all the fairies. Don't be sad, the dragon was hungry, as he breathed fire out flew 100 dragon flies, the circle of life had performed its magic again.
The sounds from the storyteller’s desk sent a torpor onto the visitors allowing the tree and animal spirits to emerge on to the earth. The branches of the tree became maidens’ hair and danced in the autumnal light.
The sun is high in the sky, the spiders hide from the world, but everything moves on, and the horses will take the lead. Their ears are up and ready to go. What can they hear?
An ant lazily crosses the page halting for a moment in anticipation of being squashed. the ant moved on thanking the human in his own way, the human being ignorant of the way of the earth.
Other ants joined the sole one and formed a community then they started building a giant tower so that they could overlook the beautiful green meadow ahead of them.
In the tree’s bark I thought I saw something in the distance, so I got my backpack and set off finding myself both frightened and curious. I set off into the sunset, the wind at my back, the sun in my eyes.
There's a gentle breeze blowing around the trees making us all one with nature. Little creatures are sighing and scratching all around. The breeze is changing, the mood is mellowed. and as the sun lovingly warms my face, I see the horses trotting leisurely in front of me almost as if they are dancing to the music I hear from the trees.
A dead leaf fell on the table as a group of strangers pick their way around the horses and enter the shepherd's hut one by one…
we waited and waited for the strangers to come out again, but nothing, only silence until a low hum, the pattering of many feet and a blood gurgling scream…ahhhh
Looking south over the line of trees the grey and blue lines of the sky were suddenly changed to red, yellow, black before a huge mushroom grew, the intensity searing his eyes. He felt the temperature rise, the heat soon burning his skin. The line of trees moved, swayed towards him. They ignited, the heat built up, he looked at his hands through damaged eyes, before everything turned black, he realised that everything had ended. And would never begin.
Helen Karen and Della arrived exhausted. The pungent, spiced ginger cake that they had devoured at breakfast was lying heavily, especially on Della, her gluten intolerance was rearing its ugly head, and she was struggling. Karen and Helen had managed well and the stunning countryside before them really relieved any pains they had felt. The afternoon layer head, inviting, exhilarating and expectant…
The ghost of the tennis court decided to come out and play encouraging Karen, Helen and Della to join in but unfortunately there was a small twist ahead…
Karen accepted a match and Helen and Della settled down to commentate. But the ghost of the tennis court was too good for Karen, and she lost.
The ghost smiled a ghoulish grin, “I forgot to mention anyone who loses a match gets consumed by the beast”
He clicked his fingers, and a lava filled pit yawned open. A waiting mouth gaped, lined with stained teeth. A dark purple head appeared, speckled with blue scales. Burning eyes the colour of bottomless pits narrowed. Beating huge green wings, a massive dragon emerged from the pit…
And snapped with a loud raw. The girls ran for their lives. The ghost thought that they were playing tag. He tagged one of the girls, but they kept on running. The ghost didn't understand why they weren't tagging him. So, then he thought that it was hide and seek tag and they had hidden and he was trying to find them. So, he looked but it was pretty obvious they were just running. So, he asked them what was going on but they just said now's not the time. There's a beastly dragon!!! This was the first time he noticed it and then…
A knight came galloping across the lake on a badger with purple hooves, his helmet was rusted and had emerald studs. Before he got halfway up the hill to the dragon he shapeshifted into a
An actuary from suburbia called Neville. Neville knew it wasn't his place to take the old Daimler from the garage but seeing the keys glinting through the sunlit window just felt fortuitous. Easing himself into the worn leather seats fuelled his need for an adventure. Halfway down the road he realised he had not told anyone where he was going. What if something happened? But this was his last chance and then the cat came home.
They looked up and saw the river dancing in the distance although the sky had darkened, the big light still shone bright. But the River spirit was not happy, totally at unease.
The cat had upset the spirits' plan.
The cat had distracted Neville from his adventure.
The snail in the whale sky filled with ash and there was a big storm and a blue and grey humpback whale.
Suddenly the cat appeared hissing savagely at the whale. But was it a whale? No, it was only a cloud shaped like a whale, bringing with it a sudden downpour of rain that soaked Neville to the skin.
Wet through he set off towards the river. And as the river flowed the river reeds bent over in silent prayer to the winds above. The trees joined in rustling their newly autumn browning leaves against the remains of their summer green, like symbols of light echoing around the valley floor.
Then the cat said “
where's my food? Has my butler gone on strike? Where is my cat basket?”
The cat went outside to look for it at the bottom of his garden and saw a shed on wheels.
“I haven't seen that before”
he ran over to it, then the door creeped open…
“I am the cat who walks by itself, and all places are alike to me”
said Rudyard Kipling
it's raining it's pouring it's shining and I'm hungry eight degenerate old people went for a walk in the woods. Did any get lost?
The spiders descended and took over the hall. And then the world. And then the universe.
The metal ponies galloped along by the train and then took flight. All were on the train, forever suspended in another reality. Is it our reality now? On an endless journey.
A star of light high up the sky heralding the great and awesome day of the lord!
The wind wrestled the leaves. She looked across the sloping valley, the trees, the water. She breathed in. And just let herself be. The three fairies’ hazel Holly and maple skipped away just out of sight, flitting across the sparkling water. They were on their way to the woodland ball…
The geese were flying overhead, the wind was rushing past the trees and just beyond the lake the fairies stopped to check their reflections in the sparkling water. Nature would always make them perfect.
And Lola barked really loud and scared away everyone and the day was saved. Commen your O’rns!
As the sun shone brightly and the breeze flitted through the trees, I saw things I'd seen before but in a different place. And as they wandered around the magical place they were married in 21 years before; they fell in love all over again…
The four women watched on and took their turn to sit a while as the couple moved on. They looked with longing down to the lake in the distance and dreamt of diving in the cool waters.
One of them said why don't we try to dive into the water? Another said yes and so they walked down to the water's edge and the rippling water played an enchanting tune beckoning them in.
but caution prevailed, they turned back.
Then they realised that they were only three of them. One of their number had disappeared. A muffled grown from a nearby oak tree. And then they noticed something, or was it somebody, sitting beside it. The somebody had a message for them all. That they were being called home to their bodies: never had a journey seem so daunting and yet so exciting!
A light suddenly shone brightly from the sky. What was it? What did it mean?
her eyes hurt. she was partially blinded, and she felt a chill run down her spine. She could no longer move something wrapped around her legs, something slow moving then, a huge octopus lifted her up and shoved her into its mouth then she was eating. Or was she? She was tossed into the sky and sat musing on a cloud. She ate mango yum pieces which she found in her pocket and wondered if a creature big enough to carry her might fly past and give her a lift. A dragon perhaps?
Or perhaps this was just her inner soul desperately trying, so desperately trying to lift her being to another realm altogether. Only time will tell if she allows it. Astral. She's the one in control of her current avatar.
Chapter Four:
She looks at the metal horses, who start to swing their heads towards her, watching as she sits at her desk at the edge of the wood. Slowly they move towards her. She rises from her desk and moves towards them. Patting one on the shoulders, she swings up onto its back. They take off as a herd into the sky. To where?
They go off for their herd holidays to Holkham beach where they merge into the sea. But sea is like blood, like the sap of life, and as they drift in the spume, as the waves rise, incandescent, they take a breath and marvel at the way that we are all alike and unalike at the same time, the way we begin to morph into a seal-like entity, free to explore the wondrous depths and beauty of the deep where we find…
I see the horses set to travel across the valley walking through the nearby woods as they drew closer, they saw the winning post of life!
We were driving in a new country, tired from the wedding yesterday. I didn't know where to go. I usually do too much research but this time, I decided to let fate direct us. My older two kids were angry with me because I don't discipline their younger sibling enough. We headed to Cromer but saw a sign on the way for the bayfield hall sculpture trail. I diverted. We were still simmering from our argument when we arrived. We're in the fresh air now and learning about how so many different minds work and create. But we must go back to the car to continue our wandering journey.
An old lady of 99 sits in a chair whilst 3 hours away her children plan a party to celebrate her being 100.
Her memories span a century: theirs half of that. What mysteries she holds that they can never know but only guess at. Her world so distant from that around her. Happy birthday.
I sit. I survey. I breathe inhale and exhale my breath and the lands microbes and mingling. I feel pain I see beauty I am inspired
an old lady and man of 99 sit in this chair and the old lady and the man was called Maria and Neil
Maria sat enjoying the wonderful view, totally unaware that her family were planning her surprise 100th. Neil interrupted the peace, asking if they should head off. Because they wanted to go and collect the sculpture they had bought for her.
‘Have you noticed all the molehills in front of the desk?’ She asked she didn't want a surprise, she just wanted to enjoy her time with her family.
The warm breeze unexpectedly played with her tousled hair. She remembered days spent in the sun and sighed. All things will pass. Tides will turn. Forming, dissolving, reforming. The ravens croak overhead dreaming corvid dreams.
Looking at the lake opposite, the peace was broken by the arm of a huge figure reaching from the water and probing the hill, it's elbow as big as the hall itself.
The shepherd's hut heaved and rocked in the wind. The spider's eggs are hatching. The shepherds are all gone. Even in the most beautiful places darkness lurks below the surface.
A ladybird lands nearby on a girl's finger. She looks down to see it has no spots. Did it come from the lake? The hut? is it beautiful or terrible?
The older lady, whose birthday it is today, looks down at a little girl, wonders what is going through her mind and also reflects on how quickly time has passed since she was that little girl herself. Still, today is a beautiful sunny day and she is grateful for all that she has. Especially good health and the love of her family.
The dog loves it here, though he'd like to run free, so secretly we did let him off once or twice, he's usually good you see, and the wind blew and the sun shone and we liked it.
Breezes blue in the beach trees, huge grey trunks, bent branches looking out across the lake, fields, woods, for so many years. what do the trees say when we have all gone home?
The trees sigh and breathe slowly as the sun sets and creatures of the night awake.
In the autumn sunshine, the horses prance with joy, as we crunch our way through the fallen leaves.
Autumn leaves fall as the soft wind blows in the sunshine. Peace is all around. The mother and her grown up daughter pootle through the woods, finding delights to look at and games to play. A glorious autumnal morning, the sun is out, the big blue Norfolk skies stretches as far as I can see.
So many beautiful trees in varying colours. Birdsong here near and far. There are a few folks around now enjoying the sculptures but keeping respectful distance to allow everyone to enjoy, to look, touch and consider. The breeze was blowing through the trees the sun was glistening on the water. The red kites, so majestic, soaring above us, so free, gliding, one way and then the other. Looking down at us. I see, one, two and then three. A way they fly to their trees across the river Glavin. They wanted to eat their supper that they had picked up from the fields.
He sat down at the table already covered with fragments of wisdom. But the storybook was in the top drawer, where else? The one lacking a knob. Inside, the book and a pen. Surely something to be said about this life in full flow. The ink in the pen won't flow, however. Another pain. Make a start. The brilliant sun casts the shadow of a horrid skull across the desk. Time for a photo.
The sun has hidden itself, travelled back to the Viking times with the dogs, the scared dogs, the rogue dogs, the wild dogs. The dogs arrived ready to explore this enchanted place Finn McCool was sniffing everywhere and Charlie the terrier was less distracted as they explored the park.
She heard the voice again. Of the dogs that once were in the magic forest. Alice wasn't happy that the voice was there again.
The wind is blowing, we can hardly stand up, but we will! I am supported by my wife Jane.
It's the storm it continues but this is very refreshing. I feel alive. Oh, it's so wet now. But look at the scattered red and golden leaves.
It was beautiful, green, brown, orange and windy but nothing happened next until the wind became blustery, still red orange brown and golden leaves swirled around and around. Until all the yellow leaves completely covered everything. the yellow leaves said ‘it’s our turn’
when suddenly stillness and silence descended, everything caught in mid-air ,froze , and music drifted down from a single silver light in the sky.
Looking across the lake I thought I saw the ghost of a heron Streak across the silvery surface.
There was a lonely church in the distant field.
The ghostly heron flew towards it. I heard the music again and saw the heron cross paths with a barn owl, its white face looking straight towards me as it flew in my direction. The wind picked up and the yellow leaves carried the music floating high above me as the barn owl swooped low. in its claw it clutched a velvet pouch. It landed gracefully, silently and the leaves dropped, as if in deference and the wind stilled. It was as if the whole world took a deep breath and then with a piercing shriek the barn owl took flight the wind blasted through the trees scattering the leaves in a confetti of yellow and orange. And there on the ground was the little velvet pouch I picked it up and inside was the time travel device. I clutched it to my breast and smiled. Where to next?
one. an item of additional material added at the end of a book or document typically in order to correct, clarify or supplement.
two. the radial distance from the pitch circle of a cogwheel or worm wheel to the crest of the teeth or ridges.
Okay. Let's go with definition number one are you ready?
Beatty May closed the bedroom door and turned off the light. She stood for a moment, until the strange shapes became once again familiar. Then made her way to the armchair that had become of late a fixture in front of the window. She pushed back 1/2 of the curtains, fearful she might be seen, and settled down for another night of watching and waiting.
She would not sleep until Percy returned nor would she move until she had seen him turn the corner, on his way home, safe. Thank the lord. Only then would she rise, pull the curtains to, place her daytime clothes on the chair as if they, not her, had been there all night.
She wondered how many fires there might have been. When war was first declared Beattie May didn't worry. The battles were being fought elsewhere. Then the bombers crossed the channel and everything changed.
Percy never talked about it. No. But when his gaze settled on some place distant, she swore she could see a reflection of a collapsing building in his eyes.